Efficient Dynamic Speaker with low-end punch?

I am looking for a full range speaker, efficienct (to be driven by 30 watt solid state amp) that handles rock and bass music well. I am looking for something with kick and wide dynamics that my Pass amp can drive. Thanks
More options: the MM deCapo's might be your cup of tea.

I've also been pleased with Green Mountain Audio Callisto's but my amp is 35wpc tube, so YMMV

You have some good choices by other members so far. I would also add Montana speakers to the list. The EPS2s are 92 db efficient and are extremely happy with medium powered tube amps. They will play VERY loud VERY effortlessly, but handle any type of music with aplomb.

BTW, I had a pair of Coincident Super Eclipse IIIs and I would say their efficiency rating is exaggerated. Not to mention they couldn't fill my 26 X 16 room like larger speakers can.
Classic Audio Reproductions can suit the bill with either the T-3 or T-1. Both are about 96-97 db with real bandwidth to 20Hz. Also a very revealing speaker and an easy setup in most rooms- I have mine about 6" from the rear wall. Easily driven by tubes or transistors; Philip O'Hanlan who markets Halcro in the US has a set in his system.
You didn't mention a budget, but for <$1000 I recommend you check out Klipsch RF7's and the previous model KLF-20's.