Cost no Object but Small Room

What speakers would you recommend without consideration of value (well forget the US$100 thou plus monsters!) for smallish room?

I am moving places and it looks my dedicated 2 channel system will have to go the study. Room size is only 11 ft x 17ft, barely. However all there is the room is basically the system and a desk/chair.

I listen to all kinds of music but mostly jazz (including fusion), rock, pop, blues.
I am in a very small room so that I have to sit nearfield between the speakers. The best I have heard are Wilson Sophias and now Watt Puppy 7's. Great soundstage and coherent imaging, similar to some minimonitors I had but with far better bass and dynamics.
+1 for Wilson Sophia, WP7's or WP8. Do a google search for Wilson WASP setup... to find out the wilson voicing method, but I ran my WP7's in a 12x16 room with a watch dog and some real traps... truelly stunning on Techno, Jazz, etc..
I'm building a cost no object room now that is similar in size. I will be using the Wilson WP7 and complete WATCH surround system. This is another RIVES room and though it started out much larger, over 1/3rd of the cubic foot space is bass trapping!
I seriously doubt that I will be upgrading speakers anytime soon. Kind of funny... the Talon Thunderhawk looks very similar to the WATT/Puppy!
Just pushing buttons Richard!

One more for the Merlins in a 12x16x10 room. But the room treatment is critical - especially if you literally will only have the rig and a chair LOL
The Room treatment ! please stop. It is the toe in angle the use of the zobels?sp networks for TSMs. VSM need to out from the walls. The likely hood of a non baffled room are small.