Cost no Object but Small Room

What speakers would you recommend without consideration of value (well forget the US$100 thou plus monsters!) for smallish room?

I am moving places and it looks my dedicated 2 channel system will have to go the study. Room size is only 11 ft x 17ft, barely. However all there is the room is basically the system and a desk/chair.

I listen to all kinds of music but mostly jazz (including fusion), rock, pop, blues.
Why not custom build a loudspeaker to fit your room system budget and listening tastes? If you cant DIY your own I build custom loudspeakers and could help you out.
The new Sonus Faber Elipsa's (scaled down Stradivarius); The ifinite baffle design minmizes room reflections. From Sumiko website:

Chief among the physical design elements is the use of the infinite baffle form pioneered on the Stradivari. Extensive use of sub-structural stiffening spars breaks up remaining resonance nodes. Wider than it is deep, this elliptical cabinet construction couples easily with even difficult room acoustics allowing bass to roll effortlessly into the listening space. Here, the form is more tightly tailored and the reduction in overall scale works to its advantage allowing it to be easily integrated into a variety of listening spaces.

Elipsa Haven't thought about it but in hindsight defintely should check them out though I think given its so new it will take several months to for the first demo model to reach Hong Kong..hopefully not. As i understand they are not rear ported as well
This is a bit tricky. I like speakers that come alive at low volume for small rooms. At higher volume, small rooms overload and become muddled and unpleasant sounding. Unfortunately, the best sounding speakers at low volume tend to be very large in size (horn-based systems), making them impractical unless you don't mind filling up the whole wall with speakers (i.e., you are a Japanese audiophile).

Of the stuff I heard that was of reasonable size and meant to be placed in a small room (near the corners or near the back wall, etc.) I would suggest looking into the following:

Audionote (uk) speakers. A vast lineup with prices up to and above the $100k mark. All are suitable for small rooms and sound good at reasonable volume.

Gradient Revolution. I heard these several times at CES/T.H.E. Show and thought they sounded very good in the small hotel rooms they were set up in.

Gryphon Cantata. A small system that I heard in a relatively large room, but I bet they will sound nice in a small room too.

Magico Mini. A very lively sounding system, but some may find the upper midrange too forward.
May I humbly suggest for your consideration the new "Neeper" Perfection One loudspeaker from Denmark? More info at:

Absolutely amazing - we are very excited to be distributing this new ultra-high performance design!

Jim Ricketts/tmh audio