Merlin VSM-Mx with super BAM

I am in 10 x 13 x 9 feet high room.

i love classical and folk.

anyonereccommend on Merlin music systems VSM-Mx

with super bam.
tinking of 150 watt bryston

can anyone explain Bam and super bam?
Thanks a million
I think you will not find a better speaker for your room and musical taste. The difference between BAM and SuperBAM is that the SuperBAM is a later version that was improved. The current SuperBAM is lead free and can be used with an MX, the MXe is a leaf free version of the VSM. If you go to Bobby's website you'll find the details, or better yet, give him a call. I think you should seriously consider getting a 30-60 Watt TUBE amp to use with your VSM. While the VSM can run with solid state, the are ideal for tubes. And you don't need those 150 watts to run the Merlins.
As a VSM-MM owner, I agree that you don't need the 150 watts. Or at least not *Bryston's* 150 watts. They may be a little brawny and beefy for speakers that could use a little finesse in their amplification.
The Merlin VSM's should be good for your room and music preferences.

Please don't ruin their sound with a Bryston amp. Heed the advice of the above posters and look into a quality tube amp.

Give Bobby a call at Merlin and ask his advice on amplifiers within your budget.

Good luck!