hi m148b,
the super bam is an improved version of the bam. it offers a new external digital switching power supply, higher potential battery pack by 30%, nichicon muse series charging caps in the internal power supply and a reduction by 30% of the voltage regulation in the ac and battery supplies. the super bam has a lot more pitch defintion in the bass (more solid bass, rythmic and room filling) so it is superior imho. the older bam sounded leaner and more forward by comparison.
newer brystons sound fuller and more relaxed which is a good thing. i would strongly recommend the vsm mme or mxe version as they sound a lot better with ss. or have the mxs upgraded with an e mod to get the most out of them with the amp.
the speakers can play very loudly, are efficient and you could get away with less power if need be, just so you know.