What can I drive w/ the 8wpc Air Tight 300B amp?

The Air Tight ATM 300b is the best amp I have ever heard (notwithstanding the VAC 30/30 and 70/70) With 8 watts per channel and a medium sized (14 x 17) room- I don't even think I can drive Quad 2905s. Any recommendations??
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Devore Fidelity Super 8's would work great. I heard the Air Tight ATM 300 powering a pair of Merlin TSM's a few years ago, worked well in a small room. I love the Air Tight sound!! Wish I could splurge on the ATM211 or the ATM-3's!!

I currently own both the TSM mme and the Devore Super 8 (but not for long, sold and to be delivered this weekend), but I heard the Coincidents and Silverlines, both Set friendly, but very different sounding than Merlins or Devores.
How would you describe the sound of the Coincidents and Silverlines? Thanks,
I Agree that the Coincident and Silverlines are big players in your amp type/size. I can't speak for the Coincident sound but I can for the Silverlines: Full bodied, natural, non-fatiguing, engaging but not forcefully, excellent mids, clean but not etchy highs, taught and well extended bottom; will closely mimic your amp's personality. Great value, very easy to live with daily. Well worth seeking out for audition. (FWIW: I don't sell them, just own them). Good luck.
Dr Gizmo said you havent heard what a 300b can do unless you heard one driving sunlight engineering se308 concentrics 104db easy 16ohms