VonSchweikert VR4JR vs Magenpan MG 1.6

I'm considering replacing my VR4JRs with the MG 1.6 combined with a Rel Sub. I've demoed the 1.6s in-store, without the sub, and have been quite impressed, but have not yet demoed them at home. It is a really close call for me and I plan to home-demo them in a month when I have the time. I would bi-amp the 1.6 as i have with the JRs with tubes (90 WPC)on the mid/highs and a SS amp (200 WPC) on the bass. Bi-wired (obviously) with JPS Superconductor Petites.
Meanwhile, I'm interested in the opinions of anyone who has heard both.
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I've owned the 3.6s and heard the 1.6s at length, as well as owned the VR 4JRs and now I own the 4SRs.

Personally I'd say that it would be a big step in the wrong direction to replace the JRs with the 1.6s. I think the JRs are in every way a better speaker.

If dynamics are a major concern for you, it won't happen with the power you have and the Maggies, in fact you could do well to feed those JRs even more power, they will love it and so will you.

They do present a much taller and bigger soundstage, but to my ear it is vague and not spot on like the JRs. The bass is no contest the JRs are radically better. I see you have a sub so this may not be as much an issue.

My comments all relate to the 3.6s vs the JRs. I would have like to hear the 3.6s with some real power like 1000 watts. I bet they would sound really good and my opinion would be a lot better. They are really cool looking speakers and seem to have some real potential, but I just have never heard them snap even with 400 watts.

i had both and in big and small room have vr4hse now again problem with maggies is when you get out of sweet spot gets bad quick if go and listen at dealer walk around room any speaker sound good i listen way off to side and you always change rooms or houses etc keep jrs
Should consider the larger Eminent Technology LFT-8B's. If there's room for Von Schweikerts or 1.6's then there's definitely room for LFT-8B's! I recently reviewed the LFT-8B on Dagogo.com, and in that review I call it the "MaggieVandy" for its combination of attributes. I have heard V.S., Vandy's, Maggies, and the E.T.'s in my listening room.
Thanks Doug, the LFT-8b was one I meant to reference. Too many reviews crammed into the grey matter.
You have and are considering the two speakers IMO are the way best for the money. In my case I was all set to buy the maggies, then came across the jr's. Went with the VSA. Had the sparkle of the maggies, while yet giving me the low end as well. But would love to own maggies as well. You will enjoy which ever way you choose, if only for a change of pace.