"mini" monitors for Primaluna prologue two

Now that I've decided, and anxiously waiting for arrival, on the Primaluna Prologue two, the search for speakers is underway. I'm putting together a system piece by piece. Amp, speakers, tt, cdp. In that order. I'm looking at stand mount monitors. Something along the lines of Proac 110's, Totem model 1 signatures, etc.

Any suggestions for this amp?
I also recommend the music hall cd 25.5 with the Prima luna. This CDP sounds much better with this amp than my SS Mac where as my Rega P9 TT sounds better with the Mac.....go figure.
Proposed System:
Primaluna Prologue two amp +
Cambridge Audio Azur 840C CDP
Rega P5 turntable with Rega cartridge
Dynaudio Audience 52SE stand mount speakers

I heard this amp/turntable/speaker combination and really, really liked it. I throw the CDP suggestion in because I think it would compliment the amp and speakers as well.

I also like Totem speakers but have not heard them with this amp - I might suggest the Arros or Forest floor standers, depending on your budget and the size of your room.

Music Hall CDP is nice for the money, but I think the Apollo or 840C would be stronger choices to go with your new amp and the speakers mentioned above in the thread.
You don't happen to remember what phono stage was used do you? The P5 is high on my list of tt's.
Not sure about the "mini" aspect of your request but , I am using Reference 3a De Cappo i's with my PP2 . These have a fairly flat impedance curve , >90db. efficiency with only a capacitor for a crossover network . In a small room , I have no need for a sub . Quite resolving and good at low level listening . A very nice combination .

Roll in some Mullard 12ax7's for more base and a little more warmth without loosing the lovely top end .
Don't overlook the Silverline Minuets. They have gotten great reviews and I heard a stacked (horizontally) pair at Silverline and was greatly impressed. If I was in the market these would be my 1st choice. $600 retail. Not a lot of money spent on the cabinet, but the sound is great.