Integrated amp for Synchrony Ones

I auditioned and purchased a pair of Synchrony Ones and am now looking for a well matched integrated amp. I'm on the fence between going with a somewhat powerful tube amp (thinking Rogue Cronus Magnum) or a more powerful SS integrated like a Musical Fidelity NuVista M3 or Plinius Hautonga. My budget tops out around $3k and I'm unable to audition anything so I'm trying to make as educated a decision as I can without actually listening to the amps.
If you have experience with the Synchrony Ones please offer your thoughts on appropriate amplification.
I've been looking into A and A/B SS integrateds mostly so I don't know much about Class D. Do you have any Class D amps you recommend?
Do still look into that Classe CAP-2100 that I mentioned to you. The one I found that I told you about for $2k does look like a good deal! Compare it to the ones on Audiogon at $2700 and $3000.

As for digital integrateds, you could check out the new Peachtree 220se. I am currently using thier Nova Pre/220 Amp combo which just got replaced with the 220se Integrated. It looks like a nice piece. My experience has been that the Nova Pre/220 combo has great bass control and slightly sweet and airy detailed top end!

Parasound is also coming out with a new Halo Integrated that looks to have similar power to thier Halo A23.
Cool - I emailed the guy about shipping the classe and haven't heard back. Some people are wary of shipping on Craigslist - especially since it says "beware only deal locally!!!!" Right on the page
Something along the line of. Bel canto c5i maybe.

I always like classe amps as well when I hear them ( not class d).

There is a Danish company gato that makes a very nice looking 250w/ch class d integrated but not sure how to find that one.
It's harder to find integrated amps that double power to 4 ohm than it is separates. But they are out there. 3000 budget might limit options.