Rebbi,congrats on the purchase of the Arro,a trully special speaker,and congrats to you with the help of Mapman and everyonelse for the best budget speaker thread I've seen on any forum for about 2 years,it should really help future buyers if they read this thread.Now let me say a few things about the Arro's and the Ohms,im 34 years old and I can remember my Dad buying the Ohm Walsh 2's back in 1983 along with a Carver Ma-200 cube amp(I think thats the model number)Nakamichi tapedeck and a Shure Cartridge for his Benjamen Mirachord and there started my love for audio,my dad had a really nice Pioneer Quad setup with some Realistic speakers that sounded good,but When the Ohms came into the system along with that new power,things changed dramatically and i stopped going out to play so much and I started learning about audio.I was so intringed on how real to life the Ohms sounded.
Now firmly a audiophile with a burning addictive love for this hobby, but i was getting burned out on a budget its only so far you can get in this game and I was tired of speakers sounding like speakers thats until I ran into the Arro's and they casted a light on the music similar to what i heard and loved from listening to Ohm Walsh 2's growing up,but without its lack of pinpoint imaging with a gigantic soundstage with more detail and a much better more honest topend.The Arro is that good,but another thing that seprarates it from the Ohm's is it not only loves current but it will tell on eveything electrical in your house they are a built in circuit breaker,I have never heard a speaker so sensitive to everything upstream,they are not ruthlessly revealing,but they make suggestions,and its very wise to listen to them in the in the long run.
The Arro's have been my education on what I dont want and more importantly on what i dont do want.Stay away from anything bright that is the 1 thing that they will smack you across the face with they make more than suggestion on this matter,so if your amp is bright you will know in a heartbeat and it wont be pleasant.Lets not forget their great bass extension,they go low but they wont play uber loud and it doesant have the impact of larger drivers but whats there is very precise 1 thing about them thy are not light thru the upperbass on up they are as meaty ass it gets from 200 htz on up.The Arro's are like the great Quads in so many great ways and in 2 not so great ways, they have that lovely tone and super soundstaging and imaging,which is in that group of top tier of speakers yes talking anything,but like the Quads they dont play super loud and they dont have great bass impact,the only 2 bleamsihes on a All-time-greats record and a future all-time-great.I got rid of the Arro's ultimatly because of those 2 cavets but with my listening learning curve having improved by leaps and bounds since that time,I really regret it since Im now making a career out of my hobby,good luck in your partnering gear with the Arro,its not hard to take 17X2 pounds around to audition your amps,let the Arro meet them before you do,when it chooses its mate you will be in sonic heaven.