What If?

Crazy question. Lets say that you have owned Klipschorns for the last 20 years and that you will never sell them. You have a room though that is fairly large (17.5'w x 26'L x 9' H) and your are thinking that it's time to add another set of speakers in the room; something entirely different, just for fun, just to switch around too on ocassion... The KHorns are in the corners so they are pretty much out of the way.... You're a tube-a-phile with a Hovland HP-100, and a set of VTL 125's MB with EL34's. You have a very nice table; an Aries 3 with a DV507 MKII arm...

What speakers would you add into the room? Of course they cannot be too HUGE because most likley they would be moved out of the sound field when listening to the Khorns. Got any ideas?

Stickman451, I have been going thru similar thoughts. I have Dunlavy Vs which I would never get rid off. I too am thinking adding another pair just for fun. Like horn speakers or something...
Stickman, I personally would stick with the horn speakers, especially if you are a tube nut. You could always buy some smaller Klipsch speakers and do a multi-channel set-up with all of it! If you must go with some dynamic speakers, the ProAc Studio 140's are a nice, relatively inexpensive floor-standing option. They will give you a pretty darn good soundstage.
What speakers would you add into the room? Of course they cannot be too HUGE because most likley they would be moved out of the sound field when listening to the Khorns. Got any ideas?
I have one -- based on experience (in a bigger room): Audio Physic Avanti.
Seriously. No kiddin. As an alternative to K horns, it was quite good.
Presumably, any spkr that's similar sounding would be similarly indicated.
Of course, the Khorns stayed, & the owner alternated (still does) between spkrs at will.
how 'bout a nice pair of single driver spkrs that are highly effecient. many fine choices out there. it would be a good match with tubes and offer a unique contrast to horns. plus, many have thin tower design and would take up small space when not in use. just a thought