Speakers better than the MMGs?

I currently use a pair of MMGs. Love them...but are there anything else out there that beats it and cost around $500-600?

Have been looking around but always ended up doubting that they would sound better than the MMGs....Has anyone own the MMG and then later bought something else that was much better? Price must be around the $500-600 though...that's my budget!

Anyone heard of Tube Audio Designs TAD-805C speakers?

It depends what you are looking for in a speaker.

Big bass and dynamics? Then yes. Pinpoint imaging? Yes. Natural vocals and strings? Probably not.

All speakers represent a compromise.

07-29-08: Robr45
All speakers represent a compromise.

Especially $500-600 speakers.
Doubt it. You need to raise your speaker budget or spend the money on better front end equipment and continue to enjoy your MMGs sounding even better.
Yeah, 1.6's. yeah, they cost more, but you are only going to find better speakers if you pay more than the MMG maggies. I have MMG's, listened to them for 7 years and love them. I've been all over, listening to lots of things, and like others above have stated, it depends on what you like in your music/speakers. IF you are a maggie person, it is extremely difficult to find anything that compares at twice the price. I tried. I bought a used pair of Magnepan 1.6's for $1100. WELL Worth it! I WANT 3.6's, but will only buy them when I find a pair locally, close enough to drive to.
MMG's are wonderful midrange speakers. You have to sit exactly on axis with them, and they give you a small but clear picture to what is going on...no lows, no highs, no big crescendos, no this and no that. If you appreciate what it does do, they are great speakers...but bear in mind that they only do what they do.