^^ This post is incorrect, as the problem is not the control but the interconnect it drives, and of course the drive actually comes from the source- I explained this in my prior post.
Thanks for your thoughtful question! The first comment I have is 'compared to what?'. Is it that the line section is reproducing the image incorrectly or is it the passive? This really is very system dependent! Some line sections introduce colorations without any doubt, so I am usually careful to qualify my statements about what a line section should do with a phrase like 'properly designed' or similar.
IMO/IME it is a statement on how dreadful some line stages are that a passive control can sound better; if the line stage is designed and built correctly that simply can't happen. But in real life it does so that says to me that there are a lot of marginal line stages in use otherwise this debate would not occur over and over.
Why is it then, when you put different active preamps in a system, the sound changes so much? Imaging changes, dynamics, contrast, etc... And a related question. I hear all the time comments to the effect of, a preamp can't add anything. It can only take away. If that's the case, how do account for something like image size getting much larger when switching from a passive or source with a volume control, to an active line stage? There are some big differences, not subtle ones. It makes perfect sense that a preamp can't add anything to a recording, but listening clearly proves otherwise.
Thanks for your thoughtful question! The first comment I have is 'compared to what?'. Is it that the line section is reproducing the image incorrectly or is it the passive? This really is very system dependent! Some line sections introduce colorations without any doubt, so I am usually careful to qualify my statements about what a line section should do with a phrase like 'properly designed' or similar.
IMO/IME it is a statement on how dreadful some line stages are that a passive control can sound better; if the line stage is designed and built correctly that simply can't happen. But in real life it does so that says to me that there are a lot of marginal line stages in use otherwise this debate would not occur over and over.