Is my preamp useless?

I enjoy my current system, which is built around a BAT VK-52SE preamp. I listen mostly to digital, via a Bryston BDP-2 player into a PS Audio DSD. I also enjoy vinyl on my VPI Classic/Dynavector/Sutherland 20-20 combo. Like most of us, I’m usually on the upgrade path. For me, the next component to upgrade would be the BAT preamp from a 52SE to a 53SE. But something occurred to me. I don’t listen loud. The gain on my PSA DSD is set to less than 100 and the BAT preamp is usually set between -20 and -10. So if my volume control is never set in the + range, is my preamp doing ANYTHING other than attenuating the volume and serving as a multi-input switch? Is all that Super Tube, single gain stage, zero feedback, high energy storage circuitry a waste of money?

Don’t get me wrong. I am very pleased with the sounds I hear. But if my pre isn’t doing anything, then I’d be better off to sell it and get a very simple passive attenuator, wouldn’t I? If that’s the case, what brands and models should I listen to?
Thanks for any advice.
Grannyring that is an interesting thing to do. To keep trying the LSA. I appreciate your enthusiasm and earnest work to get good sound. That has been documented on Agon for all to see. And that has benefitted me and I am sure others. Thanks. And by looking, your system is quite a bit more expensive than mine. So it maybe more refined. You and I like Van the Man and I get him in all his glory through my system I feel.
Now I think the LSA needs to have a system built around it and not just dropped in to an optimized sytem for another pre amp if all the small things matter. I think that the LSA without that sounds ok. Doesn't seem to do anything real error prone. But doesn't have the more real feel of what I associate with real instuments in real space. I have no real good idea but I think that feel is in the lower mid range to the upper bass part of the spectrum and when that is excentuated I think that contributes to the feel of the the music along with the hearing it. And when that happens in a good balance it becomes more appealing to listen to. But just my thought. It doesn't matter because we know when we get it to sound like each one likes it to sound.
Marqmike, I own your speakers in a second system for my wife. Very musical speakers. Love the amp you put on them also. Good match. Your system is well matched and looks to be very musical. Well done.

Interesting comments on your experience with the LSA. It certainly sounds good in the right system. I agree with all you said, but wonder how prudent it is to build a system around a passive preamp. I know you did not suggest we do that, but I guess I don't think a passive is that hard to use or work into a system. Most digital front ends have plenty of output and many amps are of sufficient input sensitivity and impedance. Can it be the LSA is pure Magic in 1% of all system combinations:). No. I do t think that is the case. I think it works in many more systems than that.
I think you were generalizing that Actives were better than passives. I do not think I attacked your statement in any way. I was suggesting that we cannot make generalized statements. Isn't TVC a passive component?

It is not worthwhile to eat even a small coating. We are not trying to win anything here. I want to stress the importance of system matching. You may try LSA for the 4th time in your system. But if that did not work for the previous 3 times, what makes you think it will work the 4th time? Also, I suggest you try a very high quality TVC like Music First or Bespoke. You seem to have some expensive gear, so I am suggesting you these expensive TVCs. I would have suggested Promitheus Signature TVC - but I have my reservations against delivery times and customer service. The TVC I have is excellent component. I have compared it with a Line stage that costs $4500 and had to return that $4.5K component back.
Hope you have a great shootout and an enjoyable one at that!
Hi Bill, well, you have had the Light speed on three separate occasions and each time you felt your active provided better sound. I honestly don't see how you expect the difference the fourth time around to change but we will see. You will do the comparisons again but in my opinion the Yamamoto DAC
will sound better with your active line stage,it will be more musically complete and realistic sounding. As you know Bill, I have used this DAC for the past four years and it is marvelous. It is really terrific in connection with my active line stage. Tonality and harmonically sorted out with excellent dynamics and musical flow and pace. It should mate beautifully with your custom Dude preamp. I look forward to your listening impressions.
"I feel folks who come here for sincere audio discussions should post their system so that the other party can understand why the poster is so exited about his/her system. I think we all have gone through a certain phase of changes/upgrades, to arrive at what we like. So why not post your equipment here for others to see and then decide why the poster is exited about what he/she is recommending.
Milpai (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

Listing ones system, in no way, better qualifies the advice they give. How could it? How do you know the system someone lists is a completed project. They could be currently going through the mistake phase. Or any other phase, for that matter. Most of the stuff I recommend, I don't even own.

I firmly believe that to be successful in putting a system together, you need to take responsibility for your own actions. If you're fool enough to take a review or recommendation without personal verification before the purchase, you've got no one but yourself to blame. Even though we sit and listen to music, audio is a very hands on hobby. If you want good sound, you have to go out and get it for yourself. You can't just let someone tell you what to buy and expect to be happy. Its like asking a life guard to tell you how to swim, and then go jump in a lake.