Vintage Snell Ci Loudspeakers, Replace or Rebuild

I own and am quite fond of vintage Snell type Ci loudspeakers. Because of age I have just found base drivers are suffering from severe foam rot. Called Snell Acoustics and was told replacement drivers are available at $176 a piece. Also was told by customer rep these drivers are not original equipment and surrounds are made of rubber not foam. Although the customer rep did not eliminate the idea of having drivers refoamed or reconditioned, it seems like he was trying to sell me the new pair. They do not offer repairs on these vintage products nor do they offer any recommendations. Am very leary of what to do. Concerned about changing original sound with new drivers and where and whom would I find a reputable dealer that could recondition these drivers to the original specifications? Thank You
I'd fix the surrounds on the ones you have. Snell used to do this, but may not any more.

I'd suggest contacting TriState Loudspeaker. Send them a sample of what remains of the old surround along with the drivers if you can. It's helpful to understand how stiff the old surrounds were when they were new...maybe Snell can help with this info...see if you can contact Mark at Snell. Pass this info along to TriState. The TriState link is below.

I've heard they do a very good job & are very reasonable in charges. I have several pair of Snells (Type AII, Type AIII, & Type EIV). The AIII's need the woofers done & TriState will be doing the work...once I get to getting them out of the boxes.
Have CIVs and one midrange blew, was able to get a replacement plus some crossover components, and like you, they are not the originals; after some hours of play (many in fact) the two speakers do sound the same, but it took some time for me to not hear two differnet CIVs sitting in front of me. In hindsight I should have replaced BOTH midrange drivers with new ones.