Rives Audio Consulting - Advice?

I am currently trying to take my system to the next level. Before I purchase any system upgrades I want to focus on room optimization. I am considering hiring Rives Audio for either the "Entry" or "Custom" package. Please advise for either. My room is about 16 x 13ft with speakers on the long wall but the backside of the room is completely open into the kitchen and then to the rest of the house where the ceiling rises. Cosmetically, I do not want too much crazy looking stuff. Please advise if this will be worth my while. BTW, I have Revel F52s with all Ayre gear (C-7xe, K-5xe, V-5xe). Should this be my next step?
I am also doing a new room. I just filled out the questions that made sense and left the ones that didn't apply blank. Had a great call with Richard and am really enjoying the process so far.
Two sides to every nickel. My experience with Rives when and after they did my room is one of the worst experiences I've had in audio. But I'm happy for you guys that had a good outcome.
Mes said, "Two sides to every nickel. My experience with Rives when and after they did my room is one of the worst experiences I've had in audio. But I'm happy for you guys that had a good outcome."

What did you not like? Was it the sound? Did you prefer the sound of the room prior to room treatment? Did you remove what they did? Was it too dead? Too ugly?

I think he had problems with big room nodes after a lot of time/money/treatments. Maybe he can expand on this further?