Thanks again.
Your final suggestion goes to the heart of my questions:
1) I'm pretty confident that a pair of 113s will do it right (and look good doing so), but distortion specs are significantly better on the SVS ultra 13 (even with the ports sealed to minimize group delay). Will I hear this?
2) The SVS ofers an appealling 20ms Group Delay, but the JL stays below 10ms (for the most part). Will I hear this?
3) Will I hear improvement IN MY ROOM at MY LISTENING LEVEL with either choice versus my dual SPLR 800s which, honestly, don't seem remotely stressed when listening now.
4)If I spend $2500 for the pair of SVS subs, will I feel less silly than if I spend 3X that on pair of 113s only to find that the answer to #3, above, is "NO!".
5) If I can hear a difference, and the difference is distorion rather than group delay will I still feel silly because the cheaper SVS will get you virtually all of the distortion benefits and most of the group delay benefits at half the cost of the SVS Ultras?
You've been tremendously helpful, but I suspect I'm at the point where tossing it around further becomes pointless. I'll make my decision and report back.
Thanks again.
Your final suggestion goes to the heart of my questions:
1) I'm pretty confident that a pair of 113s will do it right (and look good doing so), but distortion specs are significantly better on the SVS ultra 13 (even with the ports sealed to minimize group delay). Will I hear this?
2) The SVS ofers an appealling 20ms Group Delay, but the JL stays below 10ms (for the most part). Will I hear this?
3) Will I hear improvement IN MY ROOM at MY LISTENING LEVEL with either choice versus my dual SPLR 800s which, honestly, don't seem remotely stressed when listening now.
4)If I spend $2500 for the pair of SVS subs, will I feel less silly than if I spend 3X that on pair of 113s only to find that the answer to #3, above, is "NO!".
5) If I can hear a difference, and the difference is distorion rather than group delay will I still feel silly because the cheaper SVS will get you virtually all of the distortion benefits and most of the group delay benefits at half the cost of the SVS Ultras?
You've been tremendously helpful, but I suspect I'm at the point where tossing it around further becomes pointless. I'll make my decision and report back.