Help Finding my system bright...

I am finding my system on the thin, bight side and I really dont know what it is. MOst of my gear is known to be warm or smooth sounding. So I want to ask you guys what is the first thing in my set up that catches your attention for being bright. Thanks

Totem Model 1s
Plinius SA100 mkiii
Bel Canto DAC3
Audioquest pikes pike
Audioquest jaguar xlr
Signal cable magicpower
signal cable digital ref

Thanks guys
In my experience, brightness is often alleviated by readjusting your speaker placement. Play around with your toe in, the distance between your speakers and your seating position relative to the speaker placement. Also, try tilting your speakers back in small degrees to see if that helps.
setup and room acoustics - 90%

everything else - 10%

(assuming nothing is broken or grossly incompatible)
Macd, given that your other components are not thin-sounding, I would suspect a computer-driven digital source (if that's the case) with Windows or Mac OS doing their usual tantrums below the table, like downsampling by default all music files to a lower-resolution format. It's been known to happen to many a computer-savvy user.
Just a hunch...