An Advent Guy

Last weekend I hooked up a pair of my Large Advents just to remind myself that before I became a wannabe audiophile, I was just an Advent guy. I guess I still am. Any golden oldie still knock you out (for no particular reason)?
Still running the New Large Utility Advents in my secondary system. Got 'em new in 1978 as a High School graduation present. They're a little beat-up looking, but still sound great, with the *original* foam surrounds! (Although I am too scared to try the pencil eraser test).

In my main rig, my Thorens TD-166MkII is still running great after a quarter of a century. Bought that new when I thought turntables were going the way of the Dodo, and didn't want to be left with nothing to spin my vinyl on. Who knew there would be such a vinyl revival?

Other than higher resolution, which can also be defined as listening fatigue, there have been very few, if any, improvements in audio since about 1989.


These were my first "serious" speakers - I think my brother still is using them.
They are a classic.

I know it ain't perfect but I'm loving the sound coming out of my early 80's vintage Dual 1264 table with almost as ancient Goldring MM cartridge in in my second system more than ever with the equally vintage Yamaha cr-420 receiver I adapted off Ebay last summer.

OK the speakers are less dated Triangle Titus 202s, but don't hold that against me. Hey, even they are amazingly a good 9-10 years old already as well!

I hear what you're saying. In terms of possible sound quality, I might agree in general but there have been improvements to many individual component designs I'm pretty sure. How significant are they? That's largely debateable.

I do think Class D amps are one design that have broken considerable new ground at least in terms of efficiency if not ultimate sound quality, but I do think Class D makes a good high current high power amp affordable for many and that is significant.