Silverline Sonata III & McIntosh MC275?

I am planning to upgrade my speakers and I am just wondering if this combination works?

I currently have the Sonata I now and the C-220 / MC275 combo works quite well with them. Haven't seen much of the McIntosh & Silverline combos around. I heard that the Sonata III are totally different than the old Sonata I. What are the sonic-differences in between them two? I researched and researched and was so discouraged just because I haven't found any info with a system which consist the two, or even a person who tried this combo... Would like to get some advice before making the purchase. Thanks!
Samzx12, FWIW, but do not conclude that I agree with your premise about Alans promotion of Pass Amps. When I went to his 'show room' which is VERY modest, to audition my speakers, listen to the III's, as well as some stacked mini's, the Pass Amps were not connected, but they were in the background and I did wonder why. He was using very modest but modded, inexpensive, Monarchy Amps, an old, but probably modded CDP, and I forget what pre-amp.

Perhaps he was just trying to demonstrate what his speakers could sound like on inexpensive components (thinking I was some sort of cheapskate), or was just not trying to max out his equipment because of the nature of his show room and would not want you to conclude that what you heard was the best that they can do. Perhaps.

I could certainly understand why he would NOT use this stuff at a show though. If he did I don't think anyone would give him the attention and credit his products deserve. Alan is a pretty clever person, I think, and wouldn't risk a sale for any reason he could avoid.

As I said, no speculation from here, just a factual recounting of my observations.
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FWIW, doing a search of "MC275" and "MC-275" in the
Audiogon Virtual Systems returns a total of 32 systems using this amp. Perhaps this is a good place to research speakers.

Excellent advice Tvad, and an interesting thread. I am also looking for some easier to drive speakers after straying from my usual muscle amps (300-500wpc) to a pair of 100wpc monos. Your speaker list above is very similar to some I have considered except Classic Audio Reproductions (which I know nothing about) and Merlin (which I doubt have the level of impact I enjoy). Unfortunately, I have never had a chance to hear Silverlines.
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Alan Yun doesn't just demo his speakers with Pass Labs, he voices his
speakers with Pass Labs. He told me this in a conversation I had with him
subsequent to my Sonata III purchase. If you have ever met Alan Yun, you
would know how exacting the man is. I do not believe he uses Pass Labs for
any other reason than the amplifiers provide transparent, refined power that
enables him to design his speakers to sound the way he wants them to

Thats good Alan DOES voice his speakers with Pass. My point is and I do know for a fact that not all speaker manufacturers always use a particular company when showing their speakers at shows. I was not trying to argue but I dont think you said Alan only uses Pass in a previous thread? If you did then I apologize.

I am not trying to threadjack so carry on with the original question :)