Using two center channel LCR speakers for stereo

Any reasons not to? I figure bass in the MTM should be better than bookshelves from the same maker/series. Do high-end LCR such as Monitor Audio GS or Von Schweikert sound different from their L/R siblings? Thanks.
There is a thread from 3/4 years ago explaining why this isn't such a hot idea. However, maybe 15 years ago I had a Mirage set-up;wherein it worked wonders for me. Their center had such a narrow focus and 2 of 'em did much to fill the center. So I say if it won't cost to much, try it.
It is often recommented that center channel type of speakers not be used. Rather, a single speaker that matches the front left and right be used. The latter often produces a coherrent match of the drivers and crossovers. The added benefit is that it puts all the drivers in the same plane.
I've heard 2 Von Schweikert LCR-15's used this way and they sounded fantastic. I know Totem also markets their Model 1c for use this way.
If a speaker is an LCR then the company in theory has made it optimized for both applications and thus its name. Placement of them will not be all Horizontal though.