Which wood and design for diy monitor stands?

I am going to build a pair of wooden speaker stands. I have experimented with oak planks that are 3/4 inch thich. I stacked them on isolation cones and then tilted the monitor speakers until I liked the sound stage height and overall sound. I like the overall height to be at about 12" heigh. So before I start. Which wood is best? And ... should I glue together pieces so that there is one chunk of wood ... or have two wooden plates contected by wooden 2x4s?

All advice is appreciated.
I don't know which look better, the Spendor's or the stands they are sitting on.

As for the wood being solid all the way up I can't say, but FWIW, using a hollow center post allows you to fill it with some materials that could provide better mass and dampening properties. Kitty litter, fine sand, #8 lead shot, or Star Sound Technology Micro Bearing fill are good candidates. My stands have a combination of kitty litter and lead shot in them.
Hey, aaawwww, thanks for the nice words gents. I did think about trying to have the posts go all the way up with out the plates, but decided to go with the Skylan design as people seem to like them.
AFAIK, Ironwood is different. Our home is surrounded by an ironwood fence, and I thought the ironwood in mexico is like mesquite....Anyways, the ironwood here cuts like butter compared to the Ipe which dulls saw blades, and drill bits. It could be like Dolphin, Dorado, and Mahi-Mahi, same fish, different names, depending on your geographic location. Maybe what I think is Ironwood.......really isn't Ironwood at all? The rest of your description of working with Ipe is right on. I think it works pretty goods as vibration absorption and I am planning on making a component stand out of it. I wouldn't think it is too rigid as you can still gouge it pretty good with a hammer, so it does absorb some energy.
Thanks everyone,

I've been impressed with how the speakers sounded with the ten planks of oak wood that I placed together. I think that I'm just going to level them, glue them and add a two inch maple top and call it my stands. Still thinking about using marble on the top. Any advice on that?

As a longtime wood worker, I urge you to worry less about the kind of wood and focus more on the construction. It is important to note that laser interferometry tests proved that vibrations from the woofer can move the cabinet 1000 times greater in excursion than the dome of the tweeter.

Use a good hardwood that works with your room and speaker decor. But most of all, make sure it keeps that cabinet from moving and does not vibrate! Also, make sure you don't misalign any time alignment between satellites and woofers.

With all that being said, you might look at walnut, beech, or kingwood as these woods have a history of stability. There is a reason why walnut is the choice wood for gun stocks where small amounts of movement alter the point of aim. Don't over look Finland birch plywood or even OSB as these laminated woods are extremely stable. You will need to cover the OSB with a veneer of some sort, though. The birch ply may be acceptable as it comes.
Your stands look great Hanleimike (Hawaii?) Ironwood is a trademarked brand name of Ipe. Ipe itself is a generic term for any of a number of South American hardwoods. Your stands should be with you for a long time.

Andyth, I was curious if you have decided on a material and design? Pics of the finished product would be great.