Dynaudio Contour S5.4 or Confidence C2

I have always been a great fan of the Dynaudio speakers, went from Contour 1.8Mkii to Contour 3.3. I am thinking to upgrade again to S5.4, however confidence C2 is also within my consideration. Any advice on this? Has anyone compared the 2 and can comment on whether the improvement justifies the price difference (about $2k for used pairs).
I am using sometimes Sonic Frontiers Power 3 monoblocks and sometimes McIntosh 501 pair to drive the speakers.
13' x 15' room?

Honestly, I am really surprised that you are getting good results with the 3.3. Do you not have major bass problems in your room?

I had S1.4s in a 14 x 16 foot room, and they were great, but completely overpowered the room in the bass.
with 13' x 15', the C1 is your ideal speaker. it has bass down in the low 30s for you. try them out, several pairs on a'gon. if not enough, go further up the pipeline.

but C4s are definitely out of the question for you---refer to stereophile review for more information.
I had the C2s for over 4 years and loved them, but they too need room to breath, and show off their great soundstage.
I heard the C1's this past weekend at the AKFest show and thought they, with the rest of the system, was excellent; one of my two favorite rooms. Clearly a great match for the smaller room; I was told they tried a larger version, I didn't catch which model, and the C1 easily performed better as it was a better match for the room.
I forgot to mention I have a pair of ASC tube traps in the corners of the room behind the speakers, and I have the 3.3 toed in. I used a sound meter and a test tone CD that sweeps the frequencies to do a simple analysis of the acoustic response of the room, and selected the tube traps accordingly to target at the frequency range. I know this might not be too scientific, but the bass is quite well controlled that way and the overall effect is to my liking. I am leaning towards the C2 based on the response so far. C1 with subs might be too complicated.