Affordable tube amp match for Tannoy HPD's?

Recently, I put together a pair of custom made enclosures for my HPD 315's acquired on Ebay UK. They are an amazing pair of speakers, but I am yearning to hear what they might sound like with tube amplification. Any recommendations from seasoned Tannoy lovers?

Thanks for the help!
Regards, Dan
Ag insider logo xs@2xislandmandan
Hey Dan,
Due to the HPD's support ribs, I'd recommend something beefier than a flea powered amp. What's your budget? I'm a big fan of the Manley Stingray.
Hi Mike,

Right now, there is no budget, just getting back to work after surgery 3 mo. ago, but the imagination does do its thing, so just kind of window shopping for now, trying to get good ideas. The HPD's aren't quite as sensitive as the Monitor Golds, at 89-91, from what I've found, so wimpy flea watts aren't in the picure. From what I've seen, the Stingrays are fairly affordable. Wish I could find a place that would loan me gear so I could try 'em before I buy 'em, but that's a real rarity these days. Thanks for checking in, Mike.

Best regards,