Vandersteen Model 2Ce Signature II

How good are these speakers? Would they work well in a 12' x 14' room using a 200W/channel solid state amp?
I don't have the "Mark II" version of the 2Ce Signature, but I use my 2Ce Sigs in a room that's a hair over 11' X 15'.

They have probably 4 feet distance from the side walls with very little distance to the wall behind them, and they definitely sound outstanding.

These speakers love to be driven with powerful gear, so you'd definitely benefit from using a beast of an amp (I drive mine with a Plinius).

Supposedly the Mk 2 version doesn't have the traditional Vandy house sound, so just keep that in mind. A secondhand pair of the regular version will be an amazingly good deal.
A couple of notes for disussion...

1. In a room of your size, you'll probably also want to invest in some acoustical panels. This is regardless of speaker choice. No, it's not a sexy way to spend money, but it's some of the best money you'll spend. The 2's put out a lot of low end and will (probably) overload the room without treatments.

2. Can the 2Ce Sig II's be bi-amped. Yes. Should they be? Well...that's up for debate / discussion. Is really depends on the amp and if it can handle the predominantly capacitive load of the mid/tweeter crossover. In general, Vandersteen himself advises against it (don't take my word for is, go out to the Vandersteen website and check for yourself).