Tools to measure in room response

I've never measured the room SPL response.

Do I just need a Stereophile test CD3 and a Radioshack SPL meter?

Is that it?

Thanks and best regards,

Hi Kchiu,

The standard tools, like the SPl meter from radio shack are fine.
A better way IMHO is to get yourself an iPhone and buy the app for SPL meter. You can also buy a Real Time Analyzer application which will tell you frequency response from 20-20K.

Now, this method is probably 10% less accurate than above average measuring equipment, but it will put you squarely in the ball park, and it is on your phone!!!!!!

I have an Audio Control RTA which I use to measure room response for clients when needed, and I have a multitude of SPL meters, but I use my iPhone 10x more because it is SO easy.

Most of the time when taking these measurements a 10% deviation from exact is not a big deal anyway as long as you use the same device to gather all your data.

good luck!
Primitive and tedious.

The optimal cost/precision/effort way is to use RoomEQ Wizard freeware with your laptop. You can get away with RS meter for this but a better mic is advised.

This will give you measurements of swept tones (without resorting to pen-and-paper or spreadsheet entries) and will also provide lots of other info.


The test CD and RadioShack SPL meter worked for me. Just take the measurements from your usual listening position.
One problem is that there is no since "usual listening position." Moving the mic or the SLM only a few inches can change the FR substantially, especially if it is handheld. Using REW, one can take several sweeps from different positions within the listening position in a matter of minutes and average them.

I guess it depends on whether you want to know something or just get a feel of what's going on.
