The GH compared to Cremona Auditor M were much more transparent and clear sounding with better high and better bass control. Cremona seems to have more bass extensions and is more universal speaker. Also Cremona have more sweet midrange but GH is more neutral sounding speaker. Both are great but Guarneri is the class for its own.
As for the Diablo Utopia I do not like them in my system. These were over technically sounding speakers. These speaker almost killed all beautiful tonality and richness that Jadis is capable of produce. The bas was extended and tight but overall sound was uninvolving. But it can be system or room mismatching.
As for the Diablo Utopia I do not like them in my system. These were over technically sounding speakers. These speaker almost killed all beautiful tonality and richness that Jadis is capable of produce. The bas was extended and tight but overall sound was uninvolving. But it can be system or room mismatching.