has lead shot surpassed cold

Frank Zappa,s Nanook the eskimo, had lead filled snow shoes. Looks like i,ll end up with lead filled speakers. has any one puchased lead shot lately. The local gun shop wants $625 for 50 kilos. That really is incredable
Are you talking about Speakers or Speaker Stands? If you have to have lead, McMaster-Carr has it for $528.00 for 50 Kilos plus shipping.

Might I suggest that you use sand to fill your stands, and Blu-Tak your speakers to the stands. I sincerely doubt that you will notice any audible differences but you will markedly decrease your potential for environmental toxicity.
Last time I purchased lead for my speaker was in 2005 and I paid $20. for 25 lbs. It is difficult to believe that the cost has gone up so much.