Best pre-amp in an integrated

Hello all,

I am building my first hi-fi system on a budget and have a question for you:

For practical purposes, I will start with an integrated amplifier... just to get listening quickly. In the $1-3k range.

But if one day, I wanted to move to separates, is there an integrated amplifier with a pre-amp section that is so good that my best (most audible improvement-to-cost ratio) upgrade path would be to simply add a good power amplifier and use my integrated as a pre only?

Would love to hear Audiogon members' experience with using their integrated amplifier as a preamplifier when upgrading their system over the years.
I am using a YBA passion 100 integrated for a preamp with my passion 600 power amp and it sounds excellent.
I think it's often the plan to add an amp to an integrated, but by the time you buy the amp, you realize you can sell the integrated and buy a preamp better than the preamp in the integrated...
I agree with J135. If separates are a fairly certain future purchase I would buy a used integrated which could be sold at little loss when the upgrade is complete.

Enjoy the quest!
and if I am listening almost exclusively to digital music files, does anyone think that a DAC + power amplifier might be a better option than an integrated?

if I'm going to buy a separate DAC anyway, it seems like it might be a logical method... as plenty of DAC's have volume controls...

or is an integrated + DAC still the best option?