Do subwoofers really help?

Easy question here all...if you mismatched your amp and speakers (meaning your amp has trouble with the load of the speaker), do Subwoofers really fix that problem? Is it smarter just to sell your speakers and get ones that better match the amp?
I'm not crazy because when I replace my speakers with less sensitive ones (Focals for example) 2 things happen...Bass improves, and I don't have to turn the volume up as high to get good sound. I am an amateur and I did not pay attention to the specs on the speaker before purchasing. The Imepedance curve on the speaker is too steep. I am not buying a $4000 amp just to drive them.

How in the world do you expect anyone to help you when you supply nothing but general information? Do you think anyone here knows what speakers you are even talking about?

And why in the world would you need a $4,000 amp to drive your speakers?

Come on Bob....don't expect everyone to guess your system.

So Focals have more bass in your system. But how do you know the unnamed speakers of your original post are capable of more bass than you're currently getting? Have you experimented with room placement?

As far as impedance matching goes, there are plenty of high current, good-sounding amps well under $4K that can handle a sub 4-ohm load. A Parasound Halo A 23 can be had new for less than $1K. Even their modest $549 Model 2125 has an FTC 2-ohm rating, as does their twice as powerful $1349 Model 2250.
I'm sorry.
Am I missing something here? Did BobRock read the many answers to his question?
Replacing speakers with less sensitive ones resulted in more bass?
And just what WAS the solution? I'd like to know, especially if it was something silly like just a setup issue. If he fixed it by throwing more money at it, that's a horse of a different color.