Speakers to pair with krell that rock


After having had various setups i've finally sold up to wipe the slate clean and start again. I'm looking to build a system that will play rock music as its what i listen to 90% of the time. Anything from old led zep through to more modern stuff like pearl jam.

I fancy going back to krell and am on the lookout for an fpb s/h. Ideal would be 600c but might be past my budget. Might have to settle for a 300c or non cast 600. If it ends up being cast then i'll pair it with a KCT. If not then it'll be an arc mk.2 ls25.... probably.

Speaker wise i'm a bit weary as a bright system is the last thing i want and thats what i got with a kav250a/krc-3/proac d28. Sounded terrible. Think that was mainly down to the lower spec'd kav series and the proacs. They tend to be on the bright side anyway. They must be floorstanders and would prefer 3 way as i find the 2 ways lacking a little in the lower mids. Thoughts so far are for a pair of b&w 803D's but wouldn't mind some other suggestions. Have thought about Cremona's but don't want a super smooth laid back sound which i think these might give.

Cables are currently all Chord signature but will be looking to sell these on and move to Cardas Golden Cross.

Source will be either a krell kps 28c, krell kps 20i or a weiss dac 2 with macbook.
Find a pair of used B&W800's (matrix).

That is what I use with Krell electronics. Will blow you away and all you need is the FPB300 (or two if you can find a KBX and run them actively).

If your worried about brightness,I would try to stay away from metal tweeters.I'd go for something with a soft dome tweeter.Even if the hard dome itself isn't bright,it sure will
bring out more of those bright/hard offensive recordings flaws possibly ruining your listening time.
Consider larger Proacs.
I had Response 3.5s (briefly) in my city rental dwelling.
Gave them up, however, because they start to sing at louder volumes than I could manage.
They really sounded great.