Audiophile Fuses

I have used audiophile fuses for years in various equipment without problem, generally appreciative of sound quality improvement. Recently, I've encountered problems with audiophile fuses blowing in my Coincident Turbo 845SE amplifier. At this point I've had two failures of Synergistic Red Quantum 6.3a 250v sloblo fuses in this amp.

Recently I discovered some interesting information in regard to audiophile fuses at website. In the heading above stocked fuses it states, "blow characteristics will differ slightly (due to the different metalurgy of the fuse elements) between commercial grade and audio grade fuses. We can't guarantee that your audiophile grade fuse won't blowout at different in-rush current thresholds than your stock commercial fuse."

They also mention one should check for continuity on fuse prior to installation to insure it will be covered by warranty.

And so, based on my experience, and quoting this message, it seems buyer beware on these fuses. First off, I doubt measuring continuity prior to installation will validate any warranty. How would dealer/manufacturer know whether or not you had installed a blown/defective fuse? Also, it would appear this request to check continuity prior to installation may demonstrate quality control problems as well. Do they not check continuity at the manufacturer and/or dealer? Or are they often damaged in shipment? If so, that is a high level of fragility.

At this point, I would advise caution in using audiophile fuses in high current amplifiers. The disclaimers stated on partsconnexion website demonstrate they've encountered this problem more than a few times. I applaud partsconnexion for they're forthrightness on this issue. Other manufactures/dealers should follow suit.

One more thing, I also noticed the Synergistic Red Quantum fuses were slightly smaller diameter than Rat Shack fuses.
I had to pinch contacts on Coincident screw in fuse holder to tightly grab the synergistic fuses.
Surface area and poor contact pressure can cause heat build up between the fuse ends and the fuse holder clips. The heat generated can cause a fuse to blow even if the high inrush current traveling through the fuse element is within the fuse's designed specs.

Not sure it was a good idea to bend the contacts of the screw in fuse holder to fit the smaller diameter fuse end.
How about the back side, the other end, of the fuse holder contacts? What method is used to make the contact of the smaller diameter fuse? Is the contact connection between the smaller diameter fuse and the fuse holder contact tight or loose?
Zd542, Have you ever done a blind listening test with your fuses? Just like the difference with gold and silver plated spades on speaker cable,. I think you will come to the conclusion that it is all just Smoke and Mirrors! But like I said,if you hear an improvement that's great!

My systems page needs to be updated, much has changed! The Coincident Turbo was purchased when Art Audio was at tech for power transformer replacement. I should be getting back AA in next week or so. I've also changed out coupling caps (myself) on AA to Jupiter beeswax, copper foil. Should be interesting change from prior Cardas Golden Ratio. Also, interesting comparison to Coincident after these changes. Prior to these changes, both amps had their individual strengths, a different presentation but equally enjoyable. I expect the AA will be improved. I'm also considering changing out coupling caps in Turbo. Israel only recommends the Solen films (same ones Arthur Salvatore used in Frankenstein). I doubt he'll allow any other caps without voiding warranty?

I suspect exactly as you, the reason I bent contacts inside fuse holder. Now, I was only able to adjust contacts on the screw in part that disconnects from amp. My amp is in position such that I don't have access to rear of amp, haven't done anything to contacts within. This could continue to cause issue with next fuse.

I did email Chris Johnson at partsconnexion (where I purchased), he states move to 8amp fuse is an upgrade, ok in any case. I'll have to contact Israel, I doubt he'll approve. I'll also have to further research uprating fuse values, see what the consensus seems to be.
Nice situation you have by owning two well regarded 845 amplifiers. I replaced the stock Solens input coupling cap in my Frankenstein with the Jupiter copper foil. It is a worthwhile improvement but not a "night/day" difference. Cost effective it certainly is. Given my success with the Synergistic Research Quantum fuses I may try their Red fuses one day.
"08-18-15: Yogiboy
Zd542, Have you ever done a blind listening test with your fuses? Just like the difference with gold and silver plated spades on speaker cable,. I think you will come to the conclusion that it is all just Smoke and Mirrors! But like I said,if you hear an improvement that's great!"

You completely missed my point. You're referencing things like placebo and blind testing. That's fine, but in order for those terms to have meaning, they need to be used properly. And the only way that happens is if you conduct a test and get some type of results. You haven't done that. You're guessing. You assume the placebo effect is in play here, and you're guessing what the outcome of a double blind test will be. You also seem to be getting frustrated with me because I'm not taking your guesses at face value. For that, I make no apologies.

"08-18-15: Yogiboy
Zd542, Have you ever done a blind listening test with your fuses? Just like the difference with gold and silver plated spades on speaker cable,."

You haven't done so either. And remember, these are your claims, not mine.

If you like, conduct whatever test you feel appropriate to compare the sound differences between fuses, and post the results, along with your testing method. Then I'll go buy the same fuses and try the same test myself.