Anyone heard the E.A.R. "Acute"?

Sounds interesting, CDP w/tubed output stage and analog domain volume. Just wondering if anyone has had a chance to listen to one?
They sound great. I think the build quality could be a slightly better but they look great and sound great. No problems out of the two pieces I've owned.
Well Rja, I contacted the business last year to get an estimate on its dealers/retailers because I was interested in auditioning and possibly purchasing, an EAR acute III spinner- no reply at all???

Arsh, reading the other threads on this subject, it appears to be a little of both w/ an emphasis on current management.

Keep me posted and Happy Listening!
Thanks a lot Calvinj and Pdreher. Pdreher, which version of the Acute do you have? Would you mind sharing a bit more in terms of your listening impressions? Thanks again.
The talk of the build quality in EAR products might be the result of Paravicini's distain for audiophile-approved boutique brand "magic" parts. That's he talking, not I. Don't blame the messenger!