Tidal HiFi Test - how representative?

To anyone who has taken the Tidal HiFi Test and also subscribes to Tidal HiFi, how representative of actual sound quality is the HiFi sample compared to what you hear as a "premium" subscriber? Are the differences between the A & B samples used in the test indicative of the improvement in SQ subscribers enjoy?
The enthusiastic Tidal advocates posting on A'gon have certainly got me curious.
Mofi and Hgeifman, I noticed the same thing when my stereo was down for a few weeks as we got our floors replaced, I listened to Tidal via the app on my laptop, there is indeed about a 2 second pause between tracks that does not seem to be defeatable. There is no pause via Sonos, I've never bothered to investigate why as all of my listening is through Sonos now.
Thanks folks. The comments are interesting. I would really love to hear from someone who has compared the test samples to actual content as streamed by Tidal. Hgeifman - is that something you would be willing to do? (Looking for ears other than mine to weigh in.) Thanks again.
When playing back Tidal from a computer the delay problems are a result of no gapless playback. In streamers like Sonos or Auricle they do have gapless playback so no delays. I hope Tidal fixes this. Spotify had this problem at first and eventually fixed it
Ghosthouse, My Tidal system is working fine and I prefer not to try the Tidal
Test system. However, I do not understand the problem. I clicked on the
Tidal test link above and discovered that if you "Pass the test, you get
a 30 day free trial for TIDAL". You have nothing to lose. Assuming
your audio system is okay (I do not know), you get 30 free days of Tidal at no
cost. You can listen to your favorite songs using Tidal and then decide.
Hg - No problem here. Just looking for a 2nd opinion on test sample quality vs actual streamed content. BTW - I'm pretty certain the 30 day trial is available with or without "passing" the test.