Diminishing hearing ability?

I believe my biggest challenge in pursuing a great listening experience is my diminishing hearing ability. I have assembled a $50k system through Audiogon (for about $30k) that should knock my socks off. Once and a while it does but most of the time is less enjoyable than my first "higher end" $5k system 30 years ago.

Just had to remark because it's rather frustrating at times. Not that my hearing is that bad, it's just not what it had once been.

I suppose we're all challenged by this to varying degrees. Hmmm, anyone ever have an "ear tune-up" (short of a hearing aid)? May be the best tweak of all!!!

Loydc...yuk..hearing aids are awful. The beauty of sound is totally gone, replaced by digital sand of the worst kind. I tried a few different brands, and decided to live without them.
Wow, thanks all for the great responses!

To Dwellers point, my overall health is very good - at the gym 4 or 5 times a week.

So what do I suspect are the contributors? Heredity (big time), getting older (54), wax buildup (likely), and my past "loud!!" listening preference(so say my wife and daughter). Not much that I can do about these things other than an ear cleaning - I like that idea, can only help!

Papermill puts forth a healthy perspective: enjoyment should not only be had in how well the content's received by the ear of an audiophile but also, and even more, from simply enjoying the emotion brought about by the music.

I recall the words of the gentleman I bought the CJ Premier 16 Preamp (about $8k retail) I'm using: "Selling because I can find ample enjoyment from the experience had in listening to my old Fischer tubed receiver".

Take away: Strive to find enjoyment in the emotions awakened by the music itself and accept the presentation as received by the ever so discerning but degenerating ear. And make an appointment for an ear cleaning!

Again, thanks all very much!!
Stingreen, agreed, up to a point, I often do without them. But with "high frequency hearing loss" - which means above 2kHz, when we're talking about hearing aids, which is around the frequency of tweeter crossovers - without hearing aids, cymbals do not shimmer, overtones are not heard, and so on. Behind-the-ear aids affect only the "high" frequencies, there is a big difference between the top-of-the-line aids and the others (my Oticon 10's have 10 bands of eq, vs. around 4 in many starter models), and they keep getting better.
You could of course eq your stereo, but then it's unlistenable to anyone in the vicinity, and hearing aids, being less susceptible to some of the other variables, may produce a more "natural" illusion.
Another suggestion, assuming your dissatisfaction is mental and not physical, is system change up. Do you have more than one system? Do you have components to swap around? Can you try different speaker placements?

For instance I just set up a near field speaker arrangement (temporary) with speakers from my bedroom system. It's a different listening experience and I'm really enjoying the change.
Your attitude is also important. Some people think "Well, I've spent a ton on this system so it should MAKE me like it even if I'm not in the mood."! Compare this to sitting for an audition of an expensive component. I'll bet there is nothing "laid back" going on here. You are totally focused on every micro-nuance coming from the speakers -almost like your life depends on it.

If I were becoming indifferent, I'd not listen for a month then schedule a listening day. I'd invite a nice bottle of wine to join me then let it rip.