Cables more hype than value?

What are the opinions out there?
My quote was from the very end of the articles on the ABX comparator. As I said, what he wrote in a thread here on A'gon went even further than the review and was what I referred to in my original post. I just used the link to the ABX Comparator so people would know what I was talking about.

His review of 12/14 would have no bearing being well before the ABX testing and the only review from Dagago on the Wells Audio Innomarata on 5/15 is from another reviewer, Greg Petan, not Douglas Schroeder. If there is another review by Schroeder on it I'd love to see a link to it.

Also, I don't see why he would use the Comparator in any other review since he did it for his own edification and simply became a better, more disciplined reviewer.

All the best,
"Innomarata on 5/15 is from another reviewer, Greg Petan, not Douglas Schroeder. If there is another review by Schroeder on it I'd love to see a link to it."

I was looking at looking at something that Schroeder wrote on dagogo, and I thought that was a link to all of his reviews. I don't know how I missed that, but I was clearly in error. I should have been more careful.
Thanks for the info guys. I've never been an advocate of the "cables can improve the system" idea, but I'm open minded enough to give them a chance if I can do so on the cheap. Thank you all.
Danoroo - how cheap do you want to go?

Are you able to make your own?

The spiral design IC's detailed under my System link (below) are excellent performers and depending on how far you want to go with them, they can start from around $70 for an all copper version up to $250 for a silver + copper neutral version.

I currently use the silver + copper neutral version and it's extremely good.

If you want more details let me know.

They same spiral design will also work with speaker cables, but I've only tried it with short cables - longer cables take a lot more effort to construct, but the short ones worked extremely well.
