Croft, NFD or Lavardin for Harbeth M40.1

Hi Looking for any input on these 3 brand of gear. ( will power the M40.1 )

1. Croft Micro 25RS + 7R monoblocks

2. NFD ( Should I go with separates or Just NCSE MKII or I ) ?

3. Lavardin IT - I have a chance to buy demo

I never heard of these gear in my home and unfortunately these dealers not around my area.

Any input would be greatly appreciate it.

My room is about 15 ft x 24ft and I usually use the tube amp however my pre amplifier were sold and I was use the NAD 320 bee Int amp as temporaly solution but I found they sounds superior compare to my megabucks tube amp . ( Shocked )
The OP just got rid of some expensive tube gear that didn't outperform his low cost integrated amp. Why recommend a product similar to the one that just failed him?
Thanks Zd542 and Noromance.

Just want to correct on my first post. My Tube amp has a more weigh and warm to the sounds however the NAD was giving me more open and wide stage in to it.

Currently Im doing the home demo with NFD NCSE int amp and sounds great except the little boomy upper bass . Hopefully it will tame the sounds as break in goes.

The Speakers are only 1 week old.
Zd542, because that is what the OP asked and it is something I have experience with. Croft works nicely with Harbeths. I am uncertain what your angle is given we have no idea what ancillary equipment is being used. I can assure you that the Croft kit will have a fine soundstage as recommended.
"I am uncertain what your angle is given we have no idea what ancillary equipment is being used."

That's exactly why I didn't recommend anything. OP states he's getting better sound with a cheap integrated, than with his expensive tube gear. Given that, I think some research is in order before buying any new components.

" I can assure you that the Croft kit will have a fine soundstage as recommended."

Yes, you can assure me, but that's no guarantee. You can still be wrong. If the Croft doesn't match well with all of the other components in the system, the OP may not get the same results as you. Stuff like that happens all the time.
I've not tried any of those on your wish list, but have tried Musical Fidelity Nuvista M3 (really bad), an old Arcam Delta series integrated (not bad, but compromised) and McIntosh MA2275 (too mellow). Still prefer tube separates by far with my 40.1's (VAC 30/30, VAC 70/70 & McIntosh MC 275 MKV... all with Aesthetix Calypso preamp). I occasionally think it would be nice to go with a one box solution, but am hesitant to take that step for fear I'll be taking a step back. BTW, I've read a dealer in New Zealand recommend the Pass Int-150 as a synergistic fit with 40.1's. Let us know what you end up with.