Speaker cable suggestions

I'm currently using the latest version of Townshend Audio EDCT Isolda but feel it's slightly restricting the performance of my Gamut M250i mono blocks.
I have a shortlist but would be interested to hear your experiences with speaker cables that you have found exceptional.

He thinks it's a humorous play on the use of 'Townsend'....as in Peter Townsend...Peter was known for breaking guitars....it's a big big stretch...without a payoff
Yep Audiogon allowes humor and I love it as much as I love and know the music.
How do you know that the speaker cables are the source of the problem, and not something else?
Yep Audiogon allowes humor and I love it as much as I love and know the music.

Yep Audiogon allowes humor and I love it as much as I love and know the music.

We heard you the first time. ;)