Theres a firesale of the Modwrights oppo 105 units

Oddly, there are currently (as I type this) 5 modwright oppo 105 units for sale to just one stock oppo 105. Seems odd as there has to be a ton more stock 105 units to the modwright 105's that have been produced.

I have a oppo 103d and have looked at getting another unit thats been modded but that brings in red flags on all the modwrights being dumped like meeting a women thats been divorced 5 times!

Are these modwrights overpriced units? Something wrong with bringing in the tubes???

I never see other modded oppos for sale like an evs or others which tells me the owners like them.

I know its hard to decide which mod to put in your oppo as you cannot demo them first so you can ONLY go by reviews and comments.

Question...which mod do you take you chance on with your stock oppo player?
For what it is worth, I don't have a Modwright Modded Oppo but I do have the Modwright Elyse DAC - it is outstanding IMHO - point being not sure I'd be worried about Dan's work
It's not odd in that stock 105s sell very quickly when listed. I sold one a while back so I could get a 105D and was buried in inquires. Also, the much more expensive modded 105s would naturally have a smaller market.
There is so much changing in dacs these days at dazzling speed. I would argue that no class of products is more subject to depreciation than "latest, greatest" digital > $2500. Similar threads abound "Why so many X for sale".
FWIW, I saw more Modwright gear at Cap Audio Fest than I've seen at other larger shows, leading my to conclude that at least a handful of industry insiders have a positive opinion of Modwright. Cheers
I am familiar with the sound of various ModWright modified Oppos and they are "very" good. It could certainty be the case that these owners are moving towards buying the ModWright Elyse DAC.
Just an odd (and unfortunate) coincidence. My Modwright Oppo is outstanding, I'm very happy with it. Only selling to simplify the usability of my system (wife complains it's too hard just to watch TV).
That still brings in an important question.

There is no other modded oppos that come up for sale as there are many companies that mod these players. These people are keeping them.

I refresh the oppo page a couple times a day and have a good grasp on whats been selling and dont see a high amount of stock 105 units that even come up.

In fairness to modwright these may be great units, but in my position this brings to many red flags and I can't pursue one of these things. Human nature is to want what we cant have and not have whats being dumped like hot cakes.

Only if there was a way to try several of the oppo 105 players thats been modded by several different companies but this is what makes buying modded players so difficult.

One thing I learned in audio as I have bought and sold so much here on Audiogon is that we sell something cause we found something better or not happy with its performance.