How important is the amp?

Over the last few year I have upgraded my phono amp (Sensor Prelude), Turntable (SAC Girati Grande) etc.

But I have never upgraded my integrated amp, a Symphonic Line La Musica. At what point do you upgrade your amplifier. I have been looking at a 2nd hand RG10 mk 4 reference or maybe a Kraftwerk.

When I fool around with cable and other items I can still hear improvements. As long as I can still hear changes in my system when I upgrade I think my amp is still fine or is that a wrong train of thought.
If you like what you hear and can hear differences when you tweak then I can't think of a good reason to change.

Wait, oh yeah, because there is always something better!!! of course! You never know for sure sometimes unless you try.

If you are content, you will just enjoy listening to the music. If you are not, don't loose sleep. Look for something better now! Money and time is all you have to loose.

Seriously, only you know if you are happy with what you have, but in your case, it sounds like the vital signs are good.
The amp is very important.It was the combination of power, control and overall coherence that made audio system work well seemingly with all musical genres.

Mordante hi,
For what amp will sound the best for you really need to see an impedance/-phase angle graphs on them, I've looked for you and there's nothing.

Failing to get these graphs, the next best is to email the designer and ask them if they have the graphs or last option if they recommend what type amp drives them the best.
Before getting on the amp merry go round, to find what amp drives them the best yourself.

Cheers George