Top Ten Tuners of all Time??

To start this thread I vote for the Yamaha T 1. At its price performance,little to touch it period. Whats your vote?
That's a very interesting top 5 list that you've made. I'm curious what mods did you have and who did them for you for the TU-719 tuner to make it sound better than the rest, especially the more revered TU-X1 and TU-9900?
The Magnum Dynalab FT101 Etude taught me that Sereophile Recommended Components lists were to be approached with a huge crystal of salt. I bought a Fanfare rated 'A' by Stereophile and was disappointed, so Frank at Audio Outlet sent me the Etude (once rated class C, I believe). A-B comparison from a rooftop antenna through a high end splitter totally eliminated any doubt. It is by far my most used source over the Meridian 508 and, yes the LP12s.
Geor, I posted to this thread back on 10/11/2000 and I mentioned I was just venturing into tuners and ended with giving a "plug" for the Fanfare. In hindsight I am grateful I purchased that tuner as I have greatly enjoyed using a tuner since that time, but the Fanfare came and went; I agree, nothing special. Since that time I have owned a Yamaha T2, modified Pioneer, Kenwood 917 and currently I own a Luxman T-117.
Thanks Brian. General advice to all A'gonners (sic) all the posts. I happened upon this thread while researching an amp, but I just had to send a quick note because of my experience. I guess it was a response more to a certain magazine than anything else and a thanks to a hi end retailer in NY named Frank. It's a process that doesn't end until you're happy...I'll just leave that hanging.