What's your favorite lyric from a song?

Just curious what stays with people...
Aztec Camera's "someone singing's is better than the war we're winning".

Ghosthouse, in another generation our ilk will be in full charge and ya'll will be on that dustbin. In the long term it's about demographics.
Really? Exactly what are some examples of the socialist domestic policy you so strongly oppose?
A lot of people love to blame Obama. For whatever reason they decide. I like the guy and voted for him twice.

A lot still love to blame Bush II. I actually liked the guy and voted for him once but we're lucky we survived that debacle. Even his Dad has now written he was ill served by his hires the blame for which can only lie with him in the end.

I'm not too crazy about any of the current crew of contenders. At least one or two or three come across as intelligent at least.

Its a tough job. Nobody will ever please everyone. Eisenhower was probably the last truly accomplished president (beyond politics). Well, I guess you could count Reagan as well.