Cable Cooking/Burnin

I read this on KLE Innovations,, and wondered what your thoughts on Cable Cooking/Burnin might be ...

Burnin/Cooking Time

We believe that the Burnin/Cooking process can be thought of as an extension/finishing of the Annealing process.

This is a practice that can dramatically/drastically improve performance and has been gaining acceptance from HiFi enthusiasts :) Usually, any listener will be able to identify a marked change/improvement in audio component performance within the first 100 or more hours of use, whether it be a cable, connector, component or loudspeaker.

Burnin/Cooking time is the process whereby electrical signal/charge gradually settles/corrects/aligns dielectric, electromagnetic, and material (metal and non-metal) issues that occur/result during the construction process. These aspects are often and usually found in Cables/Connectors and usually results in a brittle, bright, muddy, non-cohesive sound that lacks the Detail, Resolution, Timbre, PRaT, Harmonic Texture, Organicness, Naturalness, and Staging which is desired for music reproduction. Burnin/Cooking Time improves the way that signal passes through the conductors and dielectrics and it is the resulting changes in signal transmission that refines and defines the performance of the audio cables.

While it is most important to implement Burnin/Cooking Time, upon purchase, routine maintenance is always important, also. Cables/Connectors that have not been played, or left unused, for long/prolonged periods of time, may become stagnant and again require Burnin/Cooking Time.
I have Morrow speaker cables and interconnects. After playing them hundreds of hours, I put them on the AudioDharma Cable Cooker. There was a significant further improvement. For many cables, the audio signal cable is just not sufficient to fully break in the cables.
Geoffkait, that's five hundred HOURS not days.
I don't know about 500 hours but I've changed nothing for 300 hours many a time .
Also peoples neurological systems do not stay totally constant over time so there is always the possibility that a change heard has nothing to do with the gear.

Then there is the weather and humidity and barometric pressure that are also changing all the time and might effect fine details of what one hears.

So its very hard to reliably attribute a change over the longer term to any one thing.

All you know for sure and that matters is if it tends to sound better, worse or the same to you over time. Someone else in the exact same boat could easily reach a different conclusion.
Ooops, of course I meant 500 hours. Schubert, how many days is that? My calculator's broken. So you don't tweak or mod? Well, good for you, Jack!