I've come around to thinking it's all in the implementation and the particular system. Right now, I have solid core silver for my ICs and tinned, stranded copper for my SCs.
It's the best I've heard in my present system.
Coli, interesting personal observation on the unnatural sound and the betterment of the human voice. I know from recently using silver solid core SCs that voices were better presented than most other parameters of the musical event and that leading edges were hightened at the expense of the rest of the note. That could be why it was so engaging, at first, and then left me unsatisfied after.
I still believe that there are better made solid core SCs out there but they are beyond my financial reach.
All the best,
It's the best I've heard in my present system.
Coli, interesting personal observation on the unnatural sound and the betterment of the human voice. I know from recently using silver solid core SCs that voices were better presented than most other parameters of the musical event and that leading edges were hightened at the expense of the rest of the note. That could be why it was so engaging, at first, and then left me unsatisfied after.
I still believe that there are better made solid core SCs out there but they are beyond my financial reach.
All the best,