Suggestions for integrated amps for B&W CM10

I recently bought the Bowers and Wilkins CM10 speakers, currently paired with Peachtree Audio Nova 125. Although, the clarity and details are phenomenal, I can't help but notice two shortcomings:

1. At times, things get a bit too bright for my taste -- also, I would prefer a bit more warmth
2. It doesn't seem that the Nova has enough authority to drive the bass drivers that well. I just feel that I can get more from these speakers on the lower end without adding a separate sub.

Now, I do realize that the speakers are fairly new with less than 30 hours on them, so maybe things will get better after the break in period. And I also realize that the placement and the room characteristics are not ideal.

But having said that, I would be interested in suggestions for what other integrated amps (or even separates if affordable) go well with the CM10s and provide a bit more warmth and better base. Budget is under$2500, new or used.
Paraneer, I really appreciate your advice. I think I'm going to pick up the A23 tomorrow. Next I'm thinking about selling the Peachtree Nova 125 to buy the P5. Come to think of it, I should probably also unload the LSA-1 Signature speakers that haven't seen much use in the last year or so.
BTW, I also saw the HCA 1500A on sale on eBay

Need some advice on whether to go with the older/discontinued model with twice the wattage, or stay with the relatively newer A23.
Musical Fidelity int amps pair well with B&Ws. That is what I run in my setup.

There's a MF Nu Vista listed for under your budget.

[no affiliation to seller]
Job INTegrated is $1700 delivered. It would be advisable to get the $300 Sweetcord power plug as well.

Initial feedback, after a week's run in, here:

11-13-15: Djverne
Have had the amp running over a week now. Just sat down to listen. the sound signature has smoothed out (warm and textured). This amp is tremendous.
Thanks for the suggestions. So I had quite an adventure this weekend. The salesman at the Magnolia Design Center insisted that I take the Rotel separates (amp: RB-1582; preamp: RC-1570) home and at least give them a listen, so I took them home and set them up.

So the first thing that struck me was how 'warm' the sound was. I immediately started missing my Peachtree, actually I regained a lot of respect for the Nova. While the Rotel combo had more heft and definitely a wider soundstage, I just felt that the clarity and details were not there. Perhaps, I'm not used to the warm sound of Rotel. Definitely, not my cup of tea. Also, for digital music, I feel the DAC in the Peachtree far surpasses the Rotel preamp - by a mile.

At this point, I have decided to return the Rotel separates back to Mangolia and pickup the used Parasound Halo A23 from a local buyer. I will see if I can use the Peachtree as a DAC and pre-amp for the time being. And when funds permit, buy a new or used P5.

Thanks for all the wonderful advice.