Suggestions for integrated amps for B&W CM10

I recently bought the Bowers and Wilkins CM10 speakers, currently paired with Peachtree Audio Nova 125. Although, the clarity and details are phenomenal, I can't help but notice two shortcomings:

1. At times, things get a bit too bright for my taste -- also, I would prefer a bit more warmth
2. It doesn't seem that the Nova has enough authority to drive the bass drivers that well. I just feel that I can get more from these speakers on the lower end without adding a separate sub.

Now, I do realize that the speakers are fairly new with less than 30 hours on them, so maybe things will get better after the break in period. And I also realize that the placement and the room characteristics are not ideal.

But having said that, I would be interested in suggestions for what other integrated amps (or even separates if affordable) go well with the CM10s and provide a bit more warmth and better base. Budget is under$2500, new or used.
Musical Fidelity int amps pair well with B&Ws. That is what I run in my setup.

There's a MF Nu Vista listed for under your budget.

[no affiliation to seller]
Job INTegrated is $1700 delivered. It would be advisable to get the $300 Sweetcord power plug as well.

Initial feedback, after a week's run in, here:

11-13-15: Djverne
Have had the amp running over a week now. Just sat down to listen. the sound signature has smoothed out (warm and textured). This amp is tremendous.
Thanks for the suggestions. So I had quite an adventure this weekend. The salesman at the Magnolia Design Center insisted that I take the Rotel separates (amp: RB-1582; preamp: RC-1570) home and at least give them a listen, so I took them home and set them up.

So the first thing that struck me was how 'warm' the sound was. I immediately started missing my Peachtree, actually I regained a lot of respect for the Nova. While the Rotel combo had more heft and definitely a wider soundstage, I just felt that the clarity and details were not there. Perhaps, I'm not used to the warm sound of Rotel. Definitely, not my cup of tea. Also, for digital music, I feel the DAC in the Peachtree far surpasses the Rotel preamp - by a mile.

At this point, I have decided to return the Rotel separates back to Mangolia and pickup the used Parasound Halo A23 from a local buyer. I will see if I can use the Peachtree as a DAC and pre-amp for the time being. And when funds permit, buy a new or used P5.

Thanks for all the wonderful advice.
Thanks for the update.

Your post illustrates why most components should be auditioned if at all possible. It all comes down to what sounds best to you! After you audition the Parasound, wouldn't it be a hoot to find out you still prefer the Peachtree and had the right amp all along.

I commend you for going through all this effort to find out what sounds best to you. This is the way it use to be done before the internet.