What components are a good value in used market?

I just got old JBL L-series and I like the sound even compared to expensive modern speakers. I was pleasantly surprised to find that there are good sounding units in used market that are quite affordable. What other components are good ones to hunt down (under $1000) ?
Yamaha MX-1 or MX-2 power amplifier is must hear product on used market. Better than tube warmness with plenty of detail and power. These easily kick ass some high cost Krell amps.
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As Tvad suggests above, there are many components that represent good (or even exceptional) value on the used market.

I am currently building a small, relatively inexpensive system in my current home in Lisbon, Portugal, and am already very happy with my first two acquisitions: a Tandberg TR-1049P receiver (around $200 with recent service), and Von Schweikert VR-1 speakers (around $300 locally).

And yes, tweaks can be very important.