Speaker help under $2,500

I am looking for a set of speaker suggestion around $2,500.  I like to listen to vocal like Spanish Harlem.  Other electronic gears will purchase later but differentially will do tubes.

Best Regards,
Eddy1, I have something for you there is no way you're going to beat (price and quality aka value wise). You can contact me off board at erp50@juno.com if interested. I have JBL S412P speakers. I have one used and one BRAND NEW (as in unopened manufacturers carton) pair. Used pair, $400. New pair $700. Both pairs $1000. FYI the used pair is functionally and cosmetically perfect, the new pair is exactly perfect.  - Hal
Spencer,  I was thinking a used Audio Research tube amp and preamp but not sure which model yet.
Well, the most frequently match with A.R. gear is probably Vandersteen. Used the 3A or 4 both would fit your price range.

The Nola Contender used is worthy of consideration, and I believe they were voiced using Audio Research gear which is a favorite of the Nola team.

Two lesser known but good value options are Silverline Sonatas, which strangely have 3 pair on Agon now, and the Acoustic Zen Adagio.

Of course, listening if possible is always recommended, but geography often makes it tough to do. At least with  long-standing and well regarded brands like Vandersteen and Nola you won't be risking a lot if you decide that it's not what makes you happy.  Cheers,
Thank you Spencer.  I will take a look at them.  What do you think about Sonus Faber Venere 2.5?  

Best Regards,