Speaker help under $2,500

I am looking for a set of speaker suggestion around $2,500.  I like to listen to vocal like Spanish Harlem.  Other electronic gears will purchase later but differentially will do tubes.

Best Regards,
Well, the most frequently match with A.R. gear is probably Vandersteen. Used the 3A or 4 both would fit your price range.

The Nola Contender used is worthy of consideration, and I believe they were voiced using Audio Research gear which is a favorite of the Nola team.

Two lesser known but good value options are Silverline Sonatas, which strangely have 3 pair on Agon now, and the Acoustic Zen Adagio.

Of course, listening if possible is always recommended, but geography often makes it tough to do. At least with  long-standing and well regarded brands like Vandersteen and Nola you won't be risking a lot if you decide that it's not what makes you happy.  Cheers,
Thank you Spencer.  I will take a look at them.  What do you think about Sonus Faber Venere 2.5?  

Best Regards,

Ref 3A de Capo's if you are going with tube or low watt amp

dynamic clean good bass for a stand mount