Latest Absolute Sound

I just got it yesterday and they are reviewing amps from 12k to 97k. I sat back and thought who is really buying this stuff. I know the average audiophile Isn't and the one's that actual have the money are always looking for deals via Audiogon. Is this just audio porn for the readers or are people actually buying this stuff.
+1 Mofimadness, with the exception that I have not read every issue since 1980. 

I still subscribe to TAS and Stereophile. It has become apparent to me that it's about advertising. Want a great review? .... take out a few full page ads and the review will appear. Still fun to read though. I stopped buying the music they review. Most of it sucks big time. I keep thinking ... if they evaluate gear based upon recordings that are drenched in digital reverb ... then how accurate can their reviews be? 

How many  of you remember when Stereophile was a flimsy little rag? That was when it was at its best.
The Absolute Sound was good when the magazine was small size in the 70's and 80's.

Then they reviewed gear at all price ranges.

Went to pot when the size increased, and HP sold out, after it nearly went under.
Taters....I was at my Porsche dealer last week and noticed (not one) but two hybrid models that are more than 1 million dollars each being serviced...I wonder how much an oil change is on those. Some people have the means....
spending that much money on an esoteric hobby magazine is a first world problem...